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Removing the Registration number

there are 2 ways to go about this


the easiest and perhaps the one newer livery makers may want to use is adding a 'Blank Character' to the aircraft.cfg

so first you need a blank ascii character, right click on the Windows Start Menu and open the Run box

type in "charmap" and hit OK, select the No-Break Space ( ) - this is different than a regular space such as you get hitting the spacebar

copy this No-Break Space into your aircraft.cfg for the atc_id = "ASXGS"

so that you end up with atc_id = " " , keep in mind a regular 'spacebar' space will not work

this method has the advantage of not requiring any extra files so it will not conflict with as many other mods

the downside is it can be over ridden by the in game settings, ie anyone that uses an atc assigned in the game settings will see both

The next method requires having a panel.cfg in the package, and thats the downside i guess, it can conflict or not work if any other mod edits the same file

so in the panel config we find the [VPaintingxx] entry that is for the "exterior Registration"
I will use the default c208 panel.cfg for this example, you need to use the panel.cfg for the aircraft your working on
size_mm    = 1024,256
texture    = $RegistrationNumber
location = exterior
painting00=Registration/Registration.html?font_color=white, 0, 0, 1024, 256

We just need to change the 'color' to transparent for this method, since "transparent" is a valid html color code I will use that
so change the 'white' in that example to 'transparent' so you end up with this

size_mm    = 1024,256
texture    = $RegistrationNumber
location = exterior
painting00=Registration/Registration.html?font_color=transparent, 0, 0, 1024, 256

Now you can just add that entire panel.cfg to the livery but ... there is a better way

There is a comment that allows us to 'append' the panel.cfg
without having to over ride the base file allowing for less chance of conflict

            override_base_container = 0

            [VCockpitXX]        and/or [VPaintingXX]
                  NewData ...                       NewData ...

XX would be the next sequential number for the base file
so if we use the c172 panel.cfg it would be [VCockpit04] and/or [VPainting03]
you can add how ever many of each or w/e, just as long as the numbers stay sequential

thats finally it,
save and include the panel.cfg in the livery (within a 'panel' folder just like with any aircraft),
be sure to correct / edit the layout.json as well

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