The Part 103
Ultralight with "Real Aircraft" Performance.
Why settle for
a cheap bolt-together tube & wire ultralight with sailcloth
covering when you can build the great looking, great flying
Max-103 with it's "real aircraft" construction and covering?
Properly cared
for, the Max-103 will give you decades of flying enjoyment.
And you'll have
the deep sense of pride knowing you built this fine aircraft
yourself. The low kit price includes a curved turtledeck, engine
cowl and prop spinner for sporty good looks.
enough of the
advertisments :P
this is my
first real attempt to model anything in blender, so please go
easy on me, im aware its not that great no matter how much work
i put into it
its totally
flyable but far from complete,i include the ToDo text from the
sdk project i keep to give you an idea of how much is left to
finish everything works in the cockpit,
and its capable
of cold & dark starts and shutdown, but i have not gone thru
the flight model or systems as much as i would like, so it may
be 'faster' or w/e than it should be and so on
to be honest
since the anniversary update ive been busy flying and playing
with the new toys to the point this project got left out, i
fully intend to continue with it soon (probably after the new
i learn more
every day, unfortunately that makes it hard to model since im
always redoing things after i find a better method, it may not
look like it but ive redone everything several times
(its almost
like im modeling 2-3 aircraft lol)
hopefully after
i learn enough that wont be the case lol
i look forward
to staving off ... uh responding to all the Constructive
Criticism :P
Copy the "ezmods-aircraft-jdt-minimax" folder into your
Community Folder
Update 1.20
Beta added most of the exterior control systems and cables
Update 1.2:
second attempt added most of the interior control systems and
cables a bunch of small tweaks and touches that i cant remember
and likely wont be noticable :P
Update 1.1:
This is a Recall Update I noticed something went sideways on the
yoke animation, reverting back to v1.1 untill i can track it
down and fix the issue
Update 1.2:
added most of the interior control systems and cables a bunch of
small tweaks and touches that i cant remember and likely wont be
Update 1.01:
made the windshield 'solid' with a modifier (thanks trynaeat for
the tip)
For questions, comments, feedback
or Suggestions you may email me or jump into my discord
you may be interested
in quite a few howto videos on my youtube page found
Donations are
Never Required, but if you wish to help an old
Carpenter create more content it will be Greatly